Joining the Association

Membership Criteria

Full membership

Available to anybody who is currently or has served in any unit that has carried the designation “The Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry” in their combined or separate designations  (i.e. 55th or 65th Anti-Tank Regts RA, 308th Regt RA, 202 Bty RA or 677 Sqn AAC) in any qualifying capacity (i.e. Territorial Officers and Soldiers, Regular Staff (such as PSIs), Non-Regular Permanent Staff, Civilian Staff); or their spouses or partners. Full annual membership fees apply.

Associate Membership

Granted at the discretion of the committee to persons with an indirect association to the Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry such as service with a Regiment or sub-unit of a Regiment in which the Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry has served, or other organisations with which the Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry has an association; direct relatives other than spouses (i.e. dependents, parents) of serving or former members of the Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry.  Full annual membership fees apply.

Honorary Membership

Granted at the discretion of the committee to persons who have been nominated for Honorary Membership for a specific reason such as especially meritorious service to the Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry, widows or dependents of members of the Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry  who died in service, other qualifying criteria at the discretion of the committee.  No annual membership fees apply.

Annual Membership Fees

Qualifying members (other than Honorary Members) are required to pay an annual membership fee of £5 (as at 2013) in every year of membership (due on 1 August annually). Members are encouraged to set up a Standing Order using the form below. This membership fee is used to offset the costs of administering the association.

Member Benefits

Members will receive the following benefits:

  • Annual Newsletter of the Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry Association by email or post
  • Invitations to annual Association social events at Member rates
  • (when available) Access to the Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry Association social forum (Yeoman-net) where you can keep in touch with other members
  • (when available) Access to items in the Association shop at cost price

Membership Application

To join the Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry Association please complete the following membership application form and Standing Order instruction for your membership fee (or a Cheque payable to the Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry Association) and send it to the Membership Secretary at:

The Membership Secretary
Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry Association
Mr A Burton
13 Cannon Street
PE13 2QW

Membership application form including Standing Order instruction